Honor the Earth Fair

The Friends of Mashpee NWR were one of dozens of exhibitors at the Native Land Conservancy’s “Honor the Earth Fair” held on April 20th at the Wampanoag Government Center. Friends volunteers Lucinda Keith, Tom Fudala, Nancy Church and Glenn Davis were joined by US Fish and Wildlife Service Park Ranger and Visitor Services Specialist, Wilson Acuna, spoke to participants about the Refuge and the unique partnership it represents. The event attracted hundreds of visitors. Highlights of the day included a walking nature tour of the grounds of the Government Center, a “Taste of the Earth” cooking challenge, the Neesh La singers and dancers, children’s crafts and activities. The Earth Day celebration featured exhibitors with a shared mission to protect and preserve the ancestral homelands of the Wampanoag.

Wampanoag Chief Earl Mills, Jr. stopped by our table and was presented with a copy of The History of the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge. Chief Mills, in his opening remarks said, “For some of us, every day is Earth Day… Work to make the Earth happier. We can’t change the past, but we certainly can influence the future.” We couldn’t agree more!

The Friends mission, “To raise awareness and provide support for the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge and its Partners and to preserve and protect our natural resources,” was a perfect fit to the theme of the fair. The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is one of the key partners of the Mashpee Refuge. According to their website, “The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, also known as the People of the First Light, has inhabited present day Massachusetts and Eastern Rhode Island for more than 12,000 years.” We are proud to be a partner to their efforts.

[Photos by Lucinda Keith.]

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