So who was Rachel Carson anyway?

[reprinted from our Summer 2022 newsletter, in honor of Rachel Carson’s birthday, May 27, 1907.]
Rachel Carson was a writer, scientist and ecologist, perhaps best known for her 1962 book Silent Spring, which inspired the modern environmental movement. Her background and research in marine biology brought her to Cape Cod, where a statute of Carson sits in Waterfront Park in Woods Hole. She challenged how humans, in government, industry, and as individuals, were misusing dangerous pesticides and chemicals leading to near-catastrophic harm to the environment. Carson wrote several books, many scientific articles, and pamphlets on conservation, advocating for responsible treatment of the natural world. Despite significant criticism and pushback during her time, she had the courage to stand firm Rachel Carson died in 1964, before she was able to see the impact of her crusade. Her legacy, however, ultimately led to the ban of DDT and other chemicals which brought the osprey to near extinction.

Today, thanks to Rachel Carson, ospreys, and many other species, have made a monumental comeback on Cape Cod and across the world. Her lasting impact will continue to inspire generations to come in their appreciation of the natural world and the importance of its protection. We were proud to name the osprey pair that can be viewed on our webcam, Rachel and Carson, after this amazing woman who had such great influence on environmental

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10 months ago

I need to head to Woods Hole to see the statue commemorating her. I never noticed it before 🙁

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