Osprey Cam Updates – June

What have Rachel, Carson, and their chicks been up to this June? Before getting into this month’s antics, let’s recap who is who. Rachel (mom) and Carson (dad) are the two parents, and they currently have three chicks named Hotel, India, and Juliet.

Wait, last month I told you that there were four chicks. What happened to the fourth one? Well, I am sorry to report that the fourth chick, Kilo, did not make it. They passed away earlier this month. Unfortunately, it is common for the younger and smaller chicks in the nest to not survive for very long after hatching. Despite the loss, Rachel and Carson have been doing their best to raise their remaining young so that they grow to be healthy and strong.

On June 9th, another Osprey visits the nest unannounced while Rachel and the chicks are feeding. When Carson gets there, he doesn’t seem to care about the intruder and makes no attempt to chase them off. Eventually, the other Osprey eats what is left of their catch for their that morning. Take some time to watch the two clips below.

Clip 1 (Intruder Arrives) – friendsofmashpeenationalwildliferefuge.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Visiting-osprey-on-nest-1-6-09-24.mp4

Clip 2 (Intruder Gets Something to Eat) – friendsofmashpeenationalwildliferefuge.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Visiting-osprey-on-nest-2-6-09-24.mp4

Humans love sunrises and sunsets, but guess who else does . . . Osprey! On June 16, Rachel eats breakfast with Hotel, India, and Juliet while all three of them watch the sunrise. This is a very cute clip! Especially the part where Rachel feeds the chicks. Watch it below!


Remember to keep watching the Osprey camera!


Article Written by Grace Vachon

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