Griffin at finished sign
During the past month, volunteer Boy Scouts from Troop 42, under the leadership of Eagle Scout candidate, Griffin Jones, installed an interpretive panel along the trail leading from Red Brook Road and repainted the gates on either side of the trail. Griffin’s Eagle Scout project involved leading a group of volunteers in constructing “rabbitat” brush piles at the Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge and the Charles T. Eastman Wildlife Habitat near the Upper Childs River Restoration site. One of the rabbitats at each location is further off the trail, nearer locations that may attract rabbits or other wildlife looking for shelter. The other rabbitat is closer to the trail and serves as a demonstration model.

Griffin with his Troop at installed sign
Griffin worked with graphic designer, Susie Perry, of Perry Designs in Bourne, who generously volunteered her services to help design an interpretive panel providing information about the New England Cottontail and efforts that have been made with key local partners, including USFWS and Friends of MNWR to research the species and support the restoration of its population. A QR code on the panel links patrons to further information on the Friends’ website.

Troop 42 painting gate
After installing the sign next to the model rabbitat, Griffin and the scouts wrapped up the project by sanding, priming, and repainting the gates at the trailheads on Red Brook Road and Amy Brown Road which were peeling and rusty. With fresh coats of paint and new reflective tape, they have a fresh, restored appearance.
Griffin would like to extend his thanks for the support and generosity of the Friends of MNWR, Falmouth Rod & Gun Club, local partners, USFWS staff, Troop 42 scouts, and Ms. Perry in helping to carry out his Eagle Scout project and hopes it will raise public awareness about the New England Cottontail and the great work of the Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge well into the future.

Gate at Amy Brown Rd before painting

Gate at Red Brook Road after painting