Glenn Davis
July 29, 2020
Community, Education, Pollinators
New Pollinator Boxes! Senior Environment Corps (SEC) recently constructed new nest boxes for our pollinator gardens using COVID-19 CDC social distancing guidelines. These boxes mimic the typical nesting habitat for native species such as leafcutter bees and mason bees, who…
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Glenn Davis
July 1, 2020
Mashpee Friends Featured in Refuge Highlights. The Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge was pleased to be featured in the March-April 2020 edition of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service North Atlantic-Appalachian Region’s Refuge Highlights, with an article about our…
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Glenn Davis
June 24, 2020
Community, Monarch, Pollinators
It’s pollinator week! Please consider planting native plants that produce nectar and pollen as food sources for the wide range of native pollinators we have in Mashpee! Most people think bees are the only pollinators – but there are many…
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Glenn Davis
June 22, 2020
Community, Friends
Friends Respond to COVID-19. The Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge was pleased to be included in the Summer 2020 edition of The Link, a quarterly newsletter produced in coordination between the National Wildlife Refuge Association and Coalition of Refuge…
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Glenn Davis
May 26, 2020
Community, Education, Pollinators
Eagle Project: Jehu Pond Pollinator Garden. This picture post is located at the Jehu Pond Conservation Area Pollinator Garden. The purpose of picture posts are to document changes in the garden throughout the growing seasons. The gardens are planted to…
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Glenn Davis
May 23, 2020
Community, Partners, Pollinators
Continuing the work at the FR&GC Pollinator Fields under the most trying of moments in our lives! This picture IS worth at least a thousand words and certainly demonstrates the current situation we are all facing! A great expression of…
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Glenn Davis
May 6, 2020
Community, Friends
Mary M. Scanlan, human services advocate, consummate volunteer, environmentalist and champion of wildlife conservation on the Upper Cape, has died at the age of 96. Ms. Scanlan, who moved from her longtime Mashpee home to the senior living community at…
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Glenn Davis
April 24, 2020
Community, Pollinators
earth day, planting, pollinator gardens
Adding New plants and seeds to the Pollinator gardens at Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge Three Friends board members, Katelyn Cadoret, Glenn Davis, and MaryKay Fox, worked together following CDC’s social distancing and utilizing facemasks to spruce up the pollinator gardens…
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Glenn Davis
April 24, 2020
Community, New England Cottontail, Pollinators
cottontail, prescribed burning, USFWS
On March 28th, 2020, staff from the Joint-United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)/National Park Service (NPS) Region 5 North County Fire Program conducted a prescribed burn on the Falmouth Rod and Gun Club lands within the Mashpee National Wildlife…
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Glenn Davis
April 22, 2020
Monarch, Pollinators
butterflies, meadows, monarchs, pollinators
This is a summary of the educational and partnership field work in creating of 7 acres of Monarch Meadows from a grant from the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Partners Program with the Friends of Mashpee National Wildlife Refuge, Inc. and…
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